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  • Redirected or misdirected aggression is simply a term used to describe the situation where aggression of whatever motivation is directed toward a victim who is not the initial provoking stimulus. It can also be referred to as frustration motivated aggression.

  • With a good understanding of cat behaviour and a little bit of effort, it should be possible to prevent or avoid most scratching problems, even for those cats that live exclusively indoors.

  • Cats are highly attached to territory, and movement away from that secure base is not something that is undertaken lightly! Travelling in cars, planes and other forms of human transport can be a very stressful experience for all concerned, not least because the cat is no longer in control of its own experience.

  • Most owner complaints about feline vocalisation are either to do with the intensity and persistence of the vocalisation, or the fact that it occurs at night, when family members or neighbours are trying to sleep.

  • When cats deposit small squirts of urine on vertical surfaces, it is known as urine spraying. This is a scent marking behaviour rather than an act of elimination.

  • Inside the eye there is a lens which focuses light entering the eye on to the retina, which is the light sensitive surface at the back of the eye. If the whole or part of the lens within the dog's eye becomes opaque, this is called a cataract.

  • Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is formed within the brain. It circulates through the spaces both within and surrounding the brain.

  • Cetyl myristoleate (CM) is an ester (a compound produced by the reaction between an acid and an alcohol) of a fatty acid (myristoleic acid) commonly found in fish oils, dairy, butter, and animal fat. Cetyl myristoleate is recommended to treat osteoarthritis in dogs.

  • Chamomile (Matricaria recutita, Chamomilla recutita) is commonly used in human herbal medicine as a mild sedative, and as a spasm relieving herb. Because of these muscle relaxing, anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties, Chamomile can provide relief in a variety of common small animal disorders.

  • Chemotherapeutic agents are used to treat cancer in animals. These drugs can cause cancer in humans and should be handled with caution.