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  • Constipation can be defined as an abnormal accumulation of faeces resulting in a difficulty in passing bowel motions. This may result in reduced frequency or absence of defecation.

  • Allergic reactions are very common in dogs. There are at least five common types of allergy in the dog.

  • Several products are available for the prevention or postponement of oestrus (heat, seasons) in female dogs.

  • While many cases of coprophagia appear to be purely behavioural, there are numerous medical problems that can cause or contribute to coprophagia.

  • The cornea is the clear part of the front of the eye through which the coloured iris can be seen. A corneal ulcer is an erosion of the outer layer of epithelial cells.

  • Canine coronavirus disease can be the cause of diarrhoea especially in puppies less than three months of age.

  • Corticosteroids are used to treat allergic conditions of the skin and respiratory system, inflammatory conditions of the bowel (colitis), and may be included in some cancer therapy protocols.

  • A cough is an expiratory effort producing a sudden, noisy expulsion of air from the lungs, usually in an effort to free the lungs of some foreign material (real or imagined).

  • Traumatic cruciate damage is caused by a twisting injury to this hinge joint. It is most often seen in both dogs and footballers when moving at speed and suddenly changing direction so that the majority of the weight of the body is taken on the joint.

  • Cryosurgery is sophisticated frostbite. Natural, severe frostbite will affect the blood supply. Cryosurgery, (cryotherapy) employs the same principal.