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Preventive Care & Wellness

  • Elizabethan collars are applied to prevent your dog interfering with any wound or dressings. It is natural for dogs to lick their wounds but this can seriously delay healing and can result in infection.

  • The herb Ephedra, known in Chinese medicine as Ma Huang, comes from the plant species Ephedra sinica and Ephedra equisetina.

  • Euthanasia allows your cat to die in peace with dignity and without further suffering. It can be a very hard decision to make but it is one of the kindest things that an owner can do for a suffering cat.

  • Eyebright (Euphrasia rostkoviana formerly officinalis) has been used for centuries for the treatment of conjunctivitis and mild eye irritation in people, hence the name. It has mild antimicrobial (antiseptic), anti-inflammatory and astringent (tightening) properties.

  • This describes a condition in which puppies are apparently normal at birth but fail to grow and die up to fourteen days later.

  • Feeding your cat the appropriate amount of a well-balanced diet is vital to the maintenance of overall health and well being. Cats have unique nutritional requirements and eating behaviors that evolve throughout their lives.

  • Feline leukaemia virus (FeLV) is a potentially life threatening viral infection of cats. Fortunately because of attempts to control transmission and with the availability of good vaccines to protect against FeLV, the disease is much less common. As its name implies, FeLV is able to cause neoplasia (cancer) of the white blood cells (leukaemia), but in addition the virus may also cause the development of solid tumours (lymphomas) at various sites in the body. There is currently no specific treatment for FeLV infected cats (i.e., no treatment that is able to eliminate the virus from the body).

  • Ultrasound consists of very high-pitched sound waves. Humans hear up to 20 thousand hertz (vibrations/second), whereas the ultrasound frequencies that we use in cats are usually around 7-10 million hertz.

  • Fish oils are derived from coldwater fish, mainly menhaden, salmon, cod, tuna, mackerel and trout. Cod stocks are reducing, so the age-old 'cod liver oil' should be in avoided where possible.

  • Also called linseed oil, flax seed oil is derived from the crushed seeds of the flax plant (Linium usitatissimum) and has been proposed as a more aesthetically pleasing alternative to fish oil supplements.