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Cancer & Tumors

  • Most pituitary tumours are benign (and a few are non-cancerous cysts) but because of their location, they still produce serious adverse effects as they enlarge and they are rarely curable.

  • Plasmacytomas in the skin are usually solitary benign tumours that grow rapidly but rarely recur after surgical removal. Malignant tumours are very rare.

  • The prostate gland stores sperm after they have been made in the testicles and produces fluid that contains essential nutrients for the sperm. Cancers of the prostate are rare but usually involve the cells that make the fluid.

  • Salivary cancers are almost invariably malignant tumours originating from the secretory cells of the glands. Other swellings or tumours of salivary glands may be due to infections and cysts.

  • This tumour is a disordered and purposeless overgrowth of sebaceous gland cells. These glands are attached to the hair follicles where their function is to lubricate the hairs and skin.

  • Lymphocytosis is a term used to describe abnormal accumulations of lymphoid cells in the dermis or subcutaneous tissue of the skin. Occasionally, the term pseudolymphoma is used for these.

  • This is a malignant tumour of skin epidermal cells with varying degrees of differentiation. Tumours of this type occur in people and all domestic species. T

  • This is a malignant tumour of skin epidermal cells with varying degrees of differentiation. Tumours of this type occur in people and all domestic species.

  • Solar dermatitis is a skin disease which is caused by exposure to the sun. It occurs mainly in cats with white non-pigmented areas and the ear flaps are most commonly affected.

  • Tumours of the epithelial, glandular stomach lining include non-cancerous polyps and some types of chronic (hyperplastic) gastritis. Malignant epithelial tumours (gastric adenocarcinomas) cause progressive illness.