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Preventive Care & Wellness

  • Various forms of calcium are available for supplementation. Calcium bound to lactate, citrate, ascorbate, and other organic acids appears more easily and completely absorbed than inorganic calcium supplements, such as calcium carbonate.

  • Calendula is a wonderful healing herb. Modern laboratory studies indicate that calendula flowers do indeed have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic (antibacterial and antiviral) properties, and may even offer immune-supporting actions.

  • When cancer is diagnosed improvements in our knowledge and new and evolving methods of treatment give options to owners and their veterinarians.

  • Middle aged dogs often suffer severe dental problems which frequently cause them considerable pain and discomfort.

  • Emergencies come in all forms: Road traffic accidents, bites, burns, heatstroke, poisoning and unconsciousness are but a few.

  • The hip is a simple "ball and socket" joint located at the top of both hind limbs. This joint has a wide range of movement in all directions and its efficient function is essential to normal hind limb movement.

  • In recent years, the use of modem veterinary equipment and a better understanding of the theory and practice of fracture repair, has resulted in an improved level of treatment for the cat with a fractured (broken) leg.

  • Also commonly called buster collars and Veterinary collars,these are cones usually made of fairly rigid plastic and fitted to the cat's collar so that they project forwards over the head. They are often necessary following an injury or procedure so the cat can not interfere with its dressing. While wearing a collar, you may need to provide extra care for your cat, such as helping them eat. The reduced range of vision often makes cats nervous or anxious as well.

  • Increasingly, with improved nutrition, health care and management changes, more and more cats are living to greater ages. From this we can see that elderly cats form an ever increasing group of animals that need to be cared for.

  • Carnitine (L-cartinine) is an amino acid (protein building block) that the body uses to turn fat into energy. Specifically, carnitine is required for transporting long chain fatty acids and their derivatives into the mitochondria of cells.