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Surgical Conditions

  • This tumour is a disordered and purposeless overgrowth of sebaceous gland cells. These glands are attached to the hair follicles where their function is to lubricate the hairs and skin.

  • Lymphocytosis is a term used to describe abnormal accumulations of lymphoid cells in the dermis or subcutaneous tissue of the skin. Occasionally, the term pseudolymphoma is used for these.

  • This is a malignant tumour of skin epidermal cells with varying degrees of differentiation. Tumours of this type occur in people and all domestic species. T

  • This is a malignant tumour of skin epidermal cells with varying degrees of differentiation. Tumours of this type occur in people and all domestic species.

  • Solar dermatitis is a skin disease which is caused by exposure to the sun. It occurs mainly in cats with white non-pigmented areas and the ear flaps are most commonly affected.

  • Spaying should always be considered if you are keeping your bitch merely as a pet. It has many advantages and few disadvantages.

  • There are four factors that influence a dog's recovery from spinal surgery.

  • Tumours of the epithelial, glandular stomach lining include non-cancerous polyps and some types of chronic (hyperplastic) gastritis. Malignant epithelial tumours (gastric adenocarcinomas) cause progressive illness.

  • Your dog has undergone a major operation. Smooth recovery will depend upon continued nursing at home.

  • This tumour is a disordered and purposeless overgrowth of sweat gland cells. Most sweat gland tumours are benign and can be permanently cured by total surgical removal.